For the most part, mold remediation is much the same regardless of the type of mold that has been found in your home or business. Because of this, it is not always necessary to conduct mold testing to determine what strain is involved. However, there are some situations in which mold testing can and should be completed.

Mold Testing

1.  Health Issue Claims – If you have employees approaching you about health problems they and their doctors believe are mold related, it could be in your best interest to have mold testing done during the mold remediation process. This can be invaluable both as information for their doctors to treat them, but also to defend should you face a legal action. They could claim you allowed a dangerous strain of mold to exist when the reality is the mold was a less toxic type.

2.  Peace of Mind – If mold has been found in your home or business, you may want to know for your own peace of mind what type of mold it is. Even if nobody has become ill yet, should someone become ill later due to the long-term exposure, you’ll be able to provide input that could help with treatment.

3.  Family Health – If someone in your family is having respiratory or other health issues, you may want to have mold testing done to provide that information to the medical team.

Mold testing is done by swab when the mold is visible or by air sample testing if it is not visible. It is not necessary to do mold testing in every situation. If you would like more information about whether to go this route to learn about the presence, absence or severity of mold or other contaminants in your home or business, call us at AdvantaClean of Des Moines Central. We offer mold testing, remediation, inspections and removal of mold in homes and businesses. Our team of certified professionals delivers reliable results backed by over 20 years of experience. Call today to learn more.